Sunday, January 27, 2008

its like if thomas kincade did typography

(go here)

did you know?

Gothic means sans-serif. I did not, and I learned something today.

it's all about the benjamins

I found out that poor richard's almanac was printed in a variation of Garamond. I kind of assumed that it would have been printed in Franklin gothic, but no, that didn't exist until 1902. I also found out that so was pretty much everything else for a pretty long time. It looks crappy because franklin's printing press sort of sucked. Plus everything was placed by hand. It took a crap load of time. (um, ya. I was trying to quote something from poor richards almanac to a friend, so that's how come this is so random).

Monday, January 14, 2008

grahic design uber alles.

These girls look very similar. Graphic design is universal!!!

i just vomited in my mouth a little.

Um, seriuosly? This was created by the University of Alaska Anchorage. This is why nobody goes to the university of alaska anchorage for graphic design.

i just vomited in my mouth a little.

Um, seriuosly?

mosque i repeat myself? Typeography

This is site is pretty rad, ya know kids, tubular and such. Ping is apparently doin' a thing on Iranian typography. I remember checking some of this stuff out in art history. Muslim cultures decorate all of their mosques in type, being that their religion bans all other images in places of worship. Go here or die a little inside.

let's face it...

Ummm, pretty kick-ass.