Sunday, November 30, 2008


I haven't posted (and I believe the operative word is): "Shit" for quite a while. My bad. I really don't surf the internet. I don't even really watch tv. I draw my inspiration from I don't know, getting drunk in a park, or perhaps watching an ant crawl on the concrete and creating a tiny little ant maze with my spit. But I digress. Being the zenith of all procrastination, I know post for your enjoyment, half a semester's worth of crap.

Crap the first.

This guy gets paid by the government of Puerto Rico.

Next is Something Awful. It's a website that loves photoshop and offending you. Me and photo shop are ok, but I sure do love offending you.

Also I when I do watch tv, it's the history channel. This guy's why we have portable computing machines.

plus this picture is really cool.


I mostly read about guys like this for inspiration. I also look at Hubble space telescope photos. They are completely amazing.

(why don't YOU try designing this)

Monday, October 20, 2008

the good and the bad.

The answer is yes.

Yes this will be the shape of my wine bottle.

The answer is yes.

Yes this will be the shape of my wine bottle.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

my inspiration

I could tell you about the people you know about, but that would be redundant. (Da Vinci, Raphael, Every incredible artist ever). You may notice "fine art" seems to dominate my inspiration. It's true. I feel like GOOD DESIGN and "fine art" are the same damn thing. Intentional beauty. That's what gets me no matter where I see it. Intention. Here are a few of my favorites.

Artemisia Gentileschi

Jules Bastien Lepage

I saw this one at the met and nearly broke down. In person this painting is unreal. The internet really destroys most of its beauty.

Tibor Kalman
The greatest smart-ass of the 20th century... And also so damn clean and deliberate with his design.

And of course, Doc Hammer

Monday, September 15, 2008